AutoCal Unlink

AutoCal customers may purchase an AutoCal Unlink code to unlink an AutoCal from a Tuner's FlashScan. Once the device is unlinked, all tune files provided by that Tuner will no longer work.

To ensure AutoCal Unlink codes are delivered to you within 10 minutes of processing, your AutoCal Serial number and Auth Code, and License number will be validated before you can place your order. Validation ensures correct order placement.

Availability: In stock

AutoCal Unlink Requirements

AutoCal customers may unlink an AutoCal from a Tuner's FlashScan where a Tuner has not opted out of authorizing EFILive to issue an unlink code.

To ensure AutoCal Unlink codes are delivered to you within 10 minutes of processing, your AutoCal Serial number and Auth Code, and License number will be validated before you can place your order. Validation ensures correct order placement.

AutoCal Functionality when Unlinked

Once an AutoCal is unlinked;

  1. It must be linked to another FlashScan prior to flashing tune files.
  2. All tune files that were created by the original tuner with the original FlashScan can no longer be flashed by the AutoCal device.
  3. Tuners should implement a process to ensure the end user’s stock file is converted from the original FlashScan to the new FlashScan. Failing to do so will prevent end users from flashing their stock tune.

Once an AutoCal has licensed a controller, that controller will remain licensed to that AutoCal. Unlinking and relinking an AutoCal device does not require additional licensing provided the controller originally tuned remains the same. Additional AutoCal VIN licenses are required to tune additional controllers (this may also require additional VIN slots).

Generate Serial Number, Auth Code and License Number

For validation purposes, you must be running EFILive V8.2.24 software or later to generate valid Auth Codes. 

  1. Connect your AutoCal device to your PC.
  2. Start the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application.
  3. Click the [F7: Licenses] button in the left-hand pane.
  4. The serial number will be shown in the Serial Number field.
  5. The license number will be shown in the License Number field.
  6. Click the [F3: VINs] button in the left-hand pane.
  7. Click the [Generate Auth Code] button.  The Authentication Code will be shown in the Auth Code: field.  

Validate AutoCal Unlink

  1. The AutoCal Serial number must be entered into the Serial field. The license must be either 10 or 12 characters.
  2. The AutoCal Authentication code must be entered into the Auth Code field. The auth code must be exactly 20 characters.
  3. The AutoCal License number must be entered into the License field. The license must be either 10 or 12 characters.
  4. The Qty to purchase MUST be one (1).
  5. Select [Check Serial & Code].

  6. Add validated code to cart.
  7. If the serial, auth and license do not pass validation, an error code will be displayed. Refer to the Validation Error Codes list for details.

General Validation Help

  1. Contact your tuner if your device is excluded from Unlink requests.  If you do not know who your tuner is,  Create a Ticket on the EFILive Service Desk and EFILive can forward you your Tuners details.
  2. Check that your device is not already unlinked.  AutoCal is unlinked where the Serial and License numbers match.
  3. Check software version used to generate the auth code.
  4. Check for spaces at the start/end of code.
  5. Hyphens are essential.
  6. Serial must be either 10 or 12 characters.
  7. Auth Code must be exactly 20 characters.
  8. Verify quantity limit has not been exceeded.