AutoCal No Unlink

Tuners who do not wish EFILive to unlink their AutoCal devices from their FlashScan must purchase this product to opt out of the EFILive unlinking service.
Availability: In stock

To streamline customer service for end users and remove administrative tasks from Tuners, EFILive is implementing an automated AutoCal Unlinking service from December 1st 2020.

EFILive understands that each Tuner's business is unique.  Some Tuners wish to manage their own unlinking process and others do not want their devices unlinked.

Purchasing the AutoCal No Unlink product ensures EFILive will not unlink AutoCal devices that match your FlashScan License number. This product is an annual subscription.

  • Where a Tuner has multiple FlashScan devices with the SAME license number, all matching license numbers will be updated.
  • Where a Tuner has multiple FlashScan devices with DIFFERENT license numbers, the tuner will need to purchase an AutoCal No Unlink for each license number.

By subscribing, the Tuner gives permission for EFILive to:

  1. Update FlashScan product registration details.
  2. Pass on your contact details to end users requesting an unlink for an AutoCal linked to the Tuner's FlashScan.

Tuners will receive a notification one month prior to their subscription anniversary date that their subscription is due to renewal. Where a subscription is not renewed, the License restriction in the EFILive database is automatically removed. AutoCal Unlink codes will then be issued if they are requested.

The anniversary date is December 1st. If this product is purchased during the year, no pro-rata payment option is available. The renewal period will open on November 1st and close on November 30th. A a renewal reminder will be emailed in November.

How to Validate

  1. You must be running EFILive V8.2.24 software or later to generate valid auth codes.
  2. You must obtain your serial, authentication code and license number from EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software.
  3. Enter the FlashScan Serial number into the Serial field. Serial must be either 10 or 12 characters.
  4. Enter the authentication code into the Auth Code field. The auth code must be exactly 20 characters.
  5. Enter the License number into the License field. License must be either 10 or 12 characters.
  6. Enter the Qty to purchase.
  7. Select [Check Serial & Code].
  8. Add validated code to cart.

Validation Help

If the serial, auth code and license do not pass validation, an error code will be displayed. Error code details can be found here. Customers should ensure that the information entered is EXACTLY as displayed in EFILive software.

  1. Check software version used to generate the auth code.
  2. Check for spaces at the start/end of code.
  3. Hyphens are essential.
  4. Serial must be either 10 or 12 characters.
  5. Auth Code must be exactly 20 characters.
  6. Verify quantity limit has not been exceeded.